AS/A2 Physical Education
One-day Student Conference
Friday, 19 November 2010
City Temple, London
10.45am Welcome and introduction
10.50am Usain Bolt: the greatest athlete of all time? – Graham Thompson
• An investigation into the physiology that underpins his performance
11.15am Break
11.30am The budget for the 2012 Olympic Games is up to nearly £10 billion –
Tessa Jowell MP
• Should Britain have bid?
• Will the Games be a success?
12.05pm ‘Sportertainment’ (Sarah van Wely)
• A look at some contemporary sporting issues including drugs and deviance in sport
12.30pm Lunch break
1.15pm Bringing Sport Psychology and Acquiring Movement Skills to life – Louise Ellis
2.10pm Lance Armstrong: the greatest athlete of all time? – Graham Thompson
• An investigation into the physiology that underpins his performance
2.40pm The ins and outs of being a London 2010 official partner – Alan Williams
3.15pm Hitting the top grades – study and exam technique for AS and A Level PE – Sarah van Wely
3.45pm Day ends
Please be in your seats before the start of each lecture and remain in your seats until the end of a lecture. Latecomers will not be allowed to enter the hall once a lecture has started.
This programme is provisional only and subject to change.